I went the Anthropologie a while back and saw this really cute yellow skirt, I thought it would be perfect for summer! I was THIS close to getting it when I realized that paying $118 for a skirt that had an elastic waist band was just silly. I couldn't wait for it to go on sale so, I decided that I was going to attempt to duplicate said skirt! It's not exactly the same, but it's close enough and I love it!
Meow says the copy-cat!
oh my gosh! these make sick how dang good you are. tan says i can fly out and spend a week with you and just sew! pretty please.... you know that i'm stupid for paying full price- i refuse to do it now that i see your gloriou skirts and dresses
THANKS!!! Ha ha ha I still pay full price for things, like the Wispy Cirrus Blouse...I just HAD to have it and there was no way I was going to be able to find pretty lace in Orange County. BUT now that I know how to make skirts and dresses I tend to spend most of my money on tops and jeans. I love sewing! You should TOTALLY come down for a week and we can sew! We can make a skirt, a dress, and maybe a jacket! I am about to start working on a TRENCH COAT! EEEE!! I am so excited! I have never made a jacket before! You guys need to move down here so we can start a sewing club! Ha ha ha
I miss you both and Danny and I need a couple friend! : )
I was inspired by this post that I'm trying to make my own copycat! Do you have any advice on sewing on the ribbon design? I'm trying to pin first and it's not working out too well...
Hi Amy! The ribbon was tricky! I started by pinning it, but then as I started sewing it, it was too loose in some spots and too tight in others, so then I ended up just eyeballing it. The first set was a little off, but when I put the other ribbon on top to make the diamond shape I tried fixing some of it. It didn't turn out perfect, but since the skirt is a little more full, it hides the imperfections. I sewed it with a straight stitch first, and then when the two layers of ribbon were in place I went over them with a zigzag stitch to really lock it down. Good luck!
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